Wednesday, April 11, 2007

FL , PD..what is he

What are these initials you ask in the title of this blog? Please sit, relax and let me amuse you! The other night we were all in the kitchen, don't ask why, cause I can't remember now. Anyways, Mike noticed something and he just started giggling..I said " What", and he said get the camera..look! I looked down, and to my discovery was our little boy laying../crouched on the floor..well you take a look... So FL: Floor Licker,,,and PD: part Dog ? I guess some water was spilled on the kitchen floor and well this is what occurred. It was very peculiar indeed..but after a bit we were all laughing hysterically which made him lick even more.. I tell ya my family always does something here to make someone laugh or cry!


Special K ~Toni said...

Wow! How did you train him to do that? I had to get a small house dog to keep my floors clean! :)

my4kids said...

To funny!
Your floors are so nice!

Wendy said...

Absolutely hillarious? Don't you give that boy water?! Just kidding. I can see one ofmine doing it, but it would never be off a floor as clean as yours! :)

Anonymous said...

ROFL that's too funny!! Definately a great moment to catch with the camera!