Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Little Boy...

Wow..so hard to believe that our little boy is growing up so fast. Seems like yesterday when he was born. I remember it vividly: When Marshall arrived it was complete and utter shock to both of us~and my mom, as EVERYONE ( except Lori & Jen) thought it was a girl. And man were we Happy especially Mike..even shed a couple tears over that. I recall laying in my hospital bed..wistfully shedding tears thinking wow-we have a Boy now! Yet was a little apprehensive as i was so used to dealing with baby girls..but I was game for the challenge. Just wanted to share my " Boy " moment this morning with you here are a few baby pics of him and recent.


my4kids said...

Oh he's a doll! Baby pics and recent pics he is a really cute little boy....
I always knew what mine were for sure between my own instinct and ultrasounds but a friend of mine got a boy surprise after an ultrasound tech told her she was having a girl!

Anonymous said...

We gotta get these two boys together. They're so close in age we should have them playing together whenever we can.

Dustanne said...

I never knew my second one but I knew the first and third. Boys...middle girl.
He is adorable!!!! Thank you for sharing him with us!

Scribbit said...

So cute! Love that fuzzy fluffy hair!

6Pigtales and A Buzzcutboy said...

We never found out the gender for any of our kiddies..too much of a good surprize for us, don't get me wrong there were days when I wanted to know..but I'm glad we never did.