Monday, January 05, 2009

Christmas brought many delightful smiles, and some fun filled giggles to 4 little children in this house. I will admit that we had one ill little girl on Christmas day with a cold that woulda knocked the socks off anyone..but she pulled through the day & ended up alright.
I guess it's the smiles and those the gasps of ooo's and aahhh's you hear after the open a gift that I love. There are so many more meaning's to Christmas then just presents and stockings...yet the gifts still seems to be a tiny highlight for our wee ones...nothing wrong with that right ?!?!
Remember those morning mouthfuls of chocolate - they were the best ;)


Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

looks like a fun-filled christmas!

Kelly said...

Christmas is a great time, I am glad that the cold didn't damper the day!
Christmas present opening is a very exciting time for the kiddies, the excitement in their voices makes the day!
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