Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Over a cold and on with the Flu! I go writing my first Blog..oh how exciting is this.
SO..we have had a very eventful weekend around here. I have Marshall who has a bad ear infection..and a yummy runny nose, Makayla & Kennedy have the flu and temps of 102 & 104. And well as for Kourtney...just started a runny nose again..& a little fussy.

We decided to take them all to the Doctors lastnight..what an event that was! Mike was constantly trying to keep Marshall from playing with the door stopper on the the child in the room next to us was doing the same thing and was annoying but funny at the same time. The girls just kept saying : are we done yet? Where is he? Whats taking him so long? And Kourtney..slept like a log, thank goodness.
So after getting the prescriptions & getting everyone dressed to go home...we got home and put everyone to bed at was a miracle!!

Today hasn't been too bad...Marshall and Kennedy are down for a nap and Kourtney too. Makayla is making a beaded bracelet, while we wait for the kids to wake up & then we have to get ready to go to Tap Dance today. Then drive home get supper ready & off to bed again for the night! Hopefully the meds kick in real soon, and get us better and over this crappy sickness.
Well I'm off to complete the day.

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