Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Still paying for staying up ...

Okay so now it is Tuesday & it was Sunday night that we all stayed up so very late to celebrate the New Year, and well yes I am still paying for keeping these kids up that night! Won't be doin' that again! They are all off schedule and crying, just not themselves. Silly me for trying to be festive on New Years huh! But fortunatly Kaye and Marshall have both had good naps-but to no avail still pretty grumpy and well Im ready to call Supernanny.

Its the noise level that can occur in the house that tends to really get to ya. When you get two or more yelling or crying or screaming at once ...well it gets pretty darn loud. And Marshall is now hitting the " 17/18 mth" mark....and lets just say that well, is the age that the true colours start to show. And yep he has started.I have posted a pic of him in the tub with a bubble beard, he is so cute-just not when he screams or throws a tantrum. I often wonder how can such a sweet angelic toddler turn into a demanding / screaming toddler. Part of the process-lets see how far we can push mommy today. Well kiddies push me ' come on I dare ya..I Watch Supernanny and Nanny 911 So there! Plus I keep threatening them that my Aunt Vonnie will be appearing here soon and she wants to see a drastic change in your respect and listening ( so not the truth) Sorry Vonnie had to use ya! We love you so much, but they tend to listen when I say that. Sometimes you gotta say something for a threat right!
When we are in the van if they act up Mike picks up the cell phone and pretends to call Nanny Joe he says...they freak right out! And behave for a while. Needless to say today hasn't really been that bad a few trying times but nothing I can't handle for now. Im off the bake another loaf of bread..White today, ya White .

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