Thursday, February 22, 2007

A new light

Well today has shone a new light upon me. I was introduced to a new blog to read...and well it instantly brought me to tears. I guess I can't explain it, just hit my heart really hard today. The sorrow I felt for this young lady and her family. You know we all take life way too seriously, and we all need to slow down and smell the roses-so to speak. I can think of so many circumstances where I have let little " molehills " turn into " mountains- issue wise, and fretting about silly little things in life's daily ritual. Our family, our children, and ourselves are what we all need to sit down and reflect on, we all don't do that enough. Enjoy the life that you have been given as you are never sure when it may be taken from you.

Amy you are in our prayers.
I really want to share this Blog with others as it was to me to view why we need to enjoy life and love everyone -everyday.
Prayer Blog

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